Friday, March 2, 2012

Genome Chapter 15: Sex

   Opening this chapter, the author discusses a couple genetic diseases.  However, Ridley makes it a point to note that genes are not there to cause disease.  According to the chapter, both diseases are apart of Chromosome 15.  However, the relationship between the two conditions is that, if your parents passes the gene to you, the type of disease you get depends on whether or not you inherited the gene from your mother or your father.  Moving on, Ridley describes the process of cloning and how such processes, as demonstrated in the sheep Dolly, have the effect of removing genetic imprints.  that may influence and organism.  Specific genes from parents can affect the development of organs that later become central to the development of thinking, perception, and moods.  According to the chapter, some scientific evidence is demonstrative of the notion that behavioral gender roles may be controlled or influenced by the genome.  This comes in contrast to the traditional notion that gender roles have been developed and based around society influence and environmental stimulation.

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