Thursday, March 8, 2012

BOW: Compare and Contrast Invertebrates

Pick 3 invertebrates Compare them in terms of physical features and systems. Identify at least 3 similarities and 3 differences Include pictures and References

Invertebrate #1
 Invertebrate #2

Invertebrate #3
   As invertebrates, these animals lack defined backbones that hold them in structure.  To make up for this, invertebrates 1 and 2 respectively use an exoskeleton and a shell to protect themselves from their environment.  The squid and the snail are mainly composed of soft and squishy bodies.  Both the grasshopper and the snail have adaptions to help with respiration on land. 

   These invertebrates are relatively soft and may be easily crushed.  Although the first two have protection, because it lives in an aquatic environment, the squid uses other adaptions like ink and camouflage to protect itself.  The grasshopper breathes through openings in its abdomen called spiracles.  Terrestrial snails have an opening on their right side called a pneumostome that allows them to breathe.

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