Sunday, November 6, 2011

BioChem Wordle

Biology is a multidisciplinary field that has many facets and branches.  A major component of biology deals with the chemistry of life.  The properties and structures of different atoms and compounds such as carbonyl and carboxyl are essential to cellular functioning.  Particularly, carbon is essential to the construction of life due to its tetravalanece.  The four outer electrons that carbon possesses allows it to be form a nearly infinite number of compounds and isomers.  Isomers of compounds have identical chemical formula but differing structure and shape.  Adenine TriPhosphate (ATP) is another important molecule.  While unstable, ATP is a the primary method of storing and transforming energy for immediate use.  Water is additionally important to life due to the hydrogen bonding and the resulting properties that make it ideal for different cellular processes. 

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