Sunday, January 22, 2012

Virus/Prion/Protist/Bacteria Comparison

Virus/Prion/Protist/Bacteria Comparison

·       The smallest viruses can be only 20nm in diameter.
·       Even the largest viruses are barely visible on a LMS.
·       Viruses are not cells
·       Virus genomes may consist of double-stranded, single-stranded, DNA or RNA.
·       The smallest viruses have only 4 genes while the largest have several hundred.

  • Infectious proteins.
  • Cause degenerative brain diseases in animals.
  • Transmission through food.
  • Slow-Acting
  • Virtually Indestructible

  • Eukaryotic
  • Unicellular
  • Loose grouping of 30-40 disparate phyla
  • Simple organization
  • Molds
  • Algae
  • Some are photosynthetic
  • Some cause Malaria and sleeping sickness

  • Prokaryotic
  • Single celled
  • Wide variety of shapes
  • No Nucleus
  • Most biomass on Earth
  • Integral to many ecosystem processes
  • May be infected by bacteriophages
  • Used to make food

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