Sunday, November 13, 2011

Extreme Organisms -> Thermophiles -> Hyperthermophiles -> Methanopyrus


 M. Kandleri

There are many microscopic organisms that are adapted to survival in some of the most extreme conditions on Earth.  Collectively, these organisms are termed extremophiles.  This term mean extreme loving and involves any and all organisms that survive in living conditions far beyond the normal.  A subset of extremophiles are the thermophiles.  Specifically, thermophiles reside in environments that are very hot in temperature.  Thermophiles may either depend on the temperature to survive (obligative thermophiles) or simply possess the ability to do so (facultative thermophiles).

Even within the thermophile subset, there exists hyperthermophiles.  Hyperthermophiles live in environments in excess of 60°C.    Methanopyrus is a genus containing only one species: M. Kandleri.
This organism survives and reproduces in tempuratures of 122°C.  M. Kandleri lives in sea vents or black smokers in the ocean.  As a type of methanogen, this organism reduces hydrogen-carbon into methane. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

3 Helpful Bacteria

Reduces diarrhea and helps ingestion of dairy products.  Found in foods such as milk, yogurt, and baby formula.  Also secretes factors that regulate the immune system and fight disease-causing bacteria.


Helps reduce diarrhea and mitigate irratable bowel syndrome.  May also enhance immune system function and prevent colon cancer.

Escherichia coli (E. coli).  

While common perception sees E. coli as a deadly bacteria associated with food and supermarket recalls, most E. coli strains are harmless.  In truth, E. coli is present in every human intestine and is responsible for producing Vitamin K2.  Additionally, E. coli prevents pathogenic bacteria from developing within the intestine.